Solar Thermal
Renewable Clean Energy Rewarding 20 Years of Income
The most common use for Solar thermal panels in the uk is to provide a renewable clean energy source to heat your hot water. Solar thermal energy is the best known and most popular form of domestic renewable energy due to the relatively low installation costs compared to other technologies.
The government is also introducing a renewable heat incentive tariff for solar thermal installations fitted after July 2012 which will provide a fixed income paid directly to you for 20 years after the completion of the installation.
This incentive by the government will help pay you back for your commitment to green energy and make this renewable technology a viable option to thousands of home owners across the country.
There are conditions to receive this RHI payment and for up to date news on how this will work and how much you will receive please refer to

Successful Solar Thermal Technology
“Solar thermal panels (known as “collectors”) are fitted at an optimal angle on the roof. Solar heat energy warms fluid, usually anti-freeze/glycol mix, in the collectors and this is then pumped to heat water stored in a hot water cylinder.
A boiler or immersion heater tops up the short fall in temperature if necessary to make sure the water is heated to the temperature set by the cylinder’s thermostat (>60°C).
Designed correctly and utilized properly a typical solar installation can reduce the amount of conventional gas, oil or electricity used to heat hot water by around 60%.
This translates to a significant saving and reduction in emissions.
It is a widely held assumption that the UK does not have enough sun to make solar systems worthwhile. This is not the case as Scandinavian countries have been successfully using solar thermal technologies for 30 years plus.
The panels work in a similar fashion to the PV panel (electricity generation type) reliant on radiation not sunshine itself to heat your water. This means that even on cloudy days solar panels are still contributing to heating your hot water.
On low solar radiation days you may be still using the hot water from the previous day which was heated by the sun!

Solar Thermal Perfect for High Hot Water Demands
Solar Thermal is particularly relevant renewable option for you if you have high hot water demands as the correct system design will deliver maximum saving on your fuel bill as using the hot water more quickly gives the solar panels some work to do thus optimising the benefit.
The solar systems we design and fit are by Vaillant as we do not compromise on build quality and come with a 25 year guarantee (view Vaillant Solar Products).
The only requirements are that you have sufficient space to accommodate a fairly large twin coil hot water cylinder and you have the correct roof orientation to maximise the sun’s energy throughout the day without obstruction by trees or other houses.
Buying a new boiler is not always necessary keeping the initial outlay to a minimum but still getting all the benefits of the suns radiation provide your family with FREE HOT WATER..
If you are interested in this, why not contact us to arrange a free consultation.
We will survey your current system and give you best advice based on the size of property and your hot water usage.
If we do not feel you would benefit from solar thermal we will be honest and point you in the right direction as to what is more suitable. WE ARE NOT HERE TO DO THE HARD SELL!! but to make sure you end up with the correct system for your individual needs.